Sunday, 14 May 2017

Poorly Friday

Not me; my son. Just a bug that wiped him out. Hence no posting. But here we are - better late than never.
Good old fruit and yogurt for breakfast, which meant that I could have two hifi light bars and a banana at work.

The boy perked up at lunch time. And behold the nom. Unfortunately, when I say lunchtime it was 3pm before we ate!

Slimming world chips, "fried" eggs, beans and melon for my superfree. It was so good!

Boy felt poorly again at about half five, bless him. So I was glad he had something filling earlier. I had tea about half eight, which is very late for me. But boy was it delicious. A prima Vera orzo using spinach, peas, courgette, spring onion, garlic, asparagus and my healthy extra A of parmesan. It was so good!

Afterwards I had a rhubarb and custard ice cream cone for 9.5 syns. It was so worth it, it was lovely.

And that was Friday

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