Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Coq au vin and a mixed day

I checked my syn allowance and currently I can have 5-25 syns by virtue of being a certain weight. This will reduce as I lose weight. I ended up not having anything else to eat because I didn't fancy anything specific despite being hungry.

Today I had fruit and yogurt with 35g of healthy extra B cereal, tea using some of my healthy extra A milk and 1.5 syns of juice.
I packed some grapes with me to take to work, but ended up having them after lunch, which was leftovers from yesterday's dinner if couscous and Moroccan veg.

Worked myself up to a nice shade of pink when doing a deep scrub of the bathroom before picking up the boy from school to take to the park. He's announced he now loves swimming and asked if we can go at the weekend. So that's body magic for the weekend planned. I'm looking forward to him being able to swim so I can do lengths. I used to swim a mile a day at uni before I was in a car crash. I've no issue with people seeing me in a swimsuit. They don't like it they don't have to bloody look. So off to the pool we'll go.

And here's dinner! Coq au vin. I upped the wine and flour, changing my portion from 1 to 4 syns - totally worth it. Chicken thighs (skinless), bacon medallions, carrots, leek, garlic, shitake mushrooms, sugar snap peas, stock and the flour and wine. We had it with mashed potatoes using milk from my allowance. Here it is plated up!

I weighed out 3 chocolates, which came to 9 syns, then ate one before taking a picture! Haha! See, I can make use of my gift, I just have to not be a greedy cow! 

My darling son was being a darling pain in the butt at dinner and bed time. He simultaneously announced that he wasn't going to eat dinner and that it was the best dinner. I'm putting it down to tiredness. Either that or he just decided to be a bit of an arsehole. 

That's day two. Not particularly thrilling. I have tomorrow off work and as my parents are going to Honiton I might go with them, or I might go by myself. The problem with going with my parents is that I'm not in control of when and how long etc. It makes me anxious, but sometimes putting myself in situations that make me anxious is a good thing so I'll decide tomorrow. Mum has slimming world in the morning so we'd go after lunch, but they have other stops too. I sound like a total control freak! Either way I'm stocking up with yet more food!

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