Monday, 1 May 2017

Day One Chow

Day One

Day one has to start somewhere and for me is was a big bowl of fruit (strawberries, blueberries, banana and grapes for the especially nosy) and a blob of 0% Greek style yogurt. Decided to use 250ml semi skimmed milk as my healthy extra A. So we had a cup of tea and 1.5 syns of cranberry juice drink, because I like it and no one should have to try and swallow a pill with tea. Literal pill, the fruit was yum.
My tea isn't that pale, but I'm not faffing with lighting for a cuppa and I'm not going to show anymore boring drinks, I needed this to remind me to syn my juice.

We hopped off, when the rain stopped to take the dog we were dog sitting for a walk and my boy cycled/pushed the bike complaining about inclines being too hard and declines being too scary. The joys of motherhood. Apparently laughing was not the correct response.

When we got back lunch was on the cards before a thrilling bank holiday trip to the supermarket, although for 12p jersey potatoes I'm glad I went! Lunch was a "noodle bowl" noodles, chicken, cucumber, carrot, red onion, tomato followed by a half banana and some strawberries.
Finally, dinner! I kinda felt like "finally, dinner!" When I had finished cooking it. It's my fault, I started it later than intended, but it's a quick and simple make. Moroccan veg and mint and lemon cous cous. I made my own spice mix, because, quite frankly, I'm too cheap to buy a blend when I have the spices already! I might use less white pepper as it was going to be too hot for my wimp's mouth, hence big blob of natural yogurt on top.
The child who said he wasn't going​ to eat dinner, then that he'd have the veg but not the couscous (thanks nanny!) ended up eating the lot. I made enough for my lunch tomorrow too. 

The boy saw the slimming world magazine and burst into tears telling me he didn't want me to get smaller and lose weight and he loved me just as I am and he didn't want me to change. Absolutely adorable and beautiful. I explained it's not about losing weight, but being healthier and he seemed happy with that. He's loving his fruit and veg chart and has ticked off 6 portions already. It's been more variety than that, but weight-wise it's been about 6.

Later tonight I'll be tucking in to my healthy extra Bed of two hifi light bars, and I've still only used 1.5 syns so I might have to open the bottle of wine I was given today for dog-sitting. Yes, day one and I was given a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates as a thank you and being told that they knew I'd refuse money, but I can't refuse a gift. Thankfully I have a good sense of humour about life and these things aren't off limits, but you just need to have one or two chocolates not the whole sodding box! Actually, I might have a g&t or something. I need to double check how many syns I can have as I am a great big heffer. It's normally up to 10 or 15. I'll be sure to update tomorrow what I decide to use my syns on tonight. 

I keep getting crazily hungry, thankfully you can eat loads with slimming world so I might end up eating the whole blinking melon sitting in the fruit bowl.

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