Sunday, 7 May 2017

End of the First Week

So it's the last day of week one and I'm back in the swing of things. And I'm still rubbish at using my healthy extra A, I do make sure I have natural yogurt etc to make sure I get enough calcium though.

Breakfast was lush! Big mushroom base, leeks with natural fromage frais stirred through, bacon medallions and a (inexpertly) poach egg on top and a grilled mushroom on the side, because I wanted one.
I did a slimming roast dinner. Chicken , fry light sprayed roasties, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. I don't like gravy so that's not a problem for me! Pudding was strawberries and more natural fromage frais. My parents were round and I totally forgot to take any pictures.

I've just wolfed down a salad using left over salad (and some fresh), left over noodles, left over roast chicken and a left over hard boiled egg! Also 2 syns of sweet chilli sauce.
And over in that corner you can see my sewing project. It's an English paper piecing lap quilt. It takes a long time and you have to be crazy to want to do it! 

Look at my lovely cups I got myself for mother's day! Perk of being a single parent is that I pick out my own gifts. 

My healthy extra A is milk in tea and my healthy extra B will be used on 2 hifi light bars. I've only used 2 syns so I might go scoff some chocolate. Not sure about this 25 syns lark! 

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